I found these adorable 3D Lizards on
Pinterest (of course!) I called mine Chameleons because there are quite a few children's books out there about chameleons:
Chameleon's Colors by Chisato Tashiro,
The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle, and
A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni. I found the step by step directions on the blog
Art, Paper, Scissors, Glue! I did this with the 3rd graders. The first day we read a couple of the stories then created line and shape patterns on 12"X 18" construction paper with construction paper and metallic crayons. The next class I took the advice of the blog and went through the steps together with the class. We made the body and heads and paper clipped these together. Then the next class I showed them how to glue the body together, and they traced and cut out legs and eyes and put it all together, even the tongue! We also began discussing sculpture and 3D form. The students loved their final sculpture. They sit nicely on your shoulder and I heard a few students were playing with their sculpture on the playground! I usually keep art to display but I had to let these fun sculptures go home.

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